Prof. Dr. Miguel Ardid obtained his MSc (1997) and PhD degree in Physics (2002) in the Universitat de València-Estudi General. He joined the Universitat Politècnica de València,Dept. of Applied Physics, as assistant professor in 2003 becoming Full Professor in 2017. He is lecturing mainly in Physics for Engineering courses, but also in Sensors and Instrumentation, and Acoustics. He is leading the research group “Acoustics and Astroparticle Detectors” that applies acoustic technologies for Astroparticle Physics and Observatories, with special emphasis in underwater neutrino telescopes and dark matter detectors. He has been the main researcher in UPV of two European research projects related to KM3NeT, a deep-sea infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea with a double objective: a neutrino telescope and a marine observatory. He is also the main researcher of several Spanish projects to contribute to the marine neutrino telescopes ANTARES and KM3NeT and/or dark matter detectors, such as PICO. He is co-coordinating the dark matter working groups in both ANTARES and KM3NeT Collaborations. He has also been the calibration coordinator of KM3NeT during the Design Study, and was coordinator of the underwater acoustic positioning activities in ANTARES. He has published more than 150 SCI/JCR indexed research papers with more than 9000 citations. He has been supervisor of 9 Ph. D. thesis and about 25 Final Degree and Master thesis. He is coordinating the PhD Program in Design, Manufacture and Management of Industrial Projects at UPV.
Education and Training
• 1998-2002: PhD in physics – Universitat de València (València, Spain)
• 1992-1997: MSc in physics – Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain)
Teaching activity
• 2003 – : Physics for Engineering
• 2012 – 2019: Physical Sensors
• 2006 – 2008: Underwater Acoustics
Profesional activity
• 2002: NUSIM SA
Awards & Honors
Research Group
Physics for Astroparticle detectors and Intelligence Systems in the Integrated Management of Coastal Areas Research Institute
Journal Publications
·Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Alshamsi, M.; Alves Garre, S.; Aly, Z.; Ambrosone, A. … Poirè, Chiara. (2022) The KM3NeT multi-PMT optical module . Journal of Instrumentation (17)1 – 23. 10.1088/1748-0221/17/07/P07038_x000D_
·Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Alshamsi, M. ; Alves Garre, S. ; Aly, Z.; Ambrosone, A. … Poirè, Chiara. (2022) Implementation and first results of the KM3NeT real-time core-collapse supernova neutrino search . The European Physical Journal C, 4 (82), 1 – 16. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10137-y_x000D_
·Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Alshamsi, M.; Alves Garre, S.; Aly, Z.; Ambrosone, A. … Poirè, Chiara. (2022) Combined sensitivity of JUNO and KM3NeT/ORCA to the neutrino mass ordering . Journal of High Energy Physics (Online), 3, 1 – 31. 10.1007/JHEP03(2022)055_x000D_
·Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Alves Garre, S. ; Aly, Z.; Ambrosone, A.; Ameli, F. … Poirè, Chiara. (2022) Determining the neutrino mass ordering and oscillation parameters with KM3NeT/ORCA . The European Physical Journal C, 1 (82), 1 – 16. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09893-0_x000D_
·Hernández-Rey, Juan José; Ardid Ramírez, Miguel; Bou Cabo, Manuel; Calvo, David; Díaz, Antonio F.; Gozzini, Sara Rebecca … Zúniga, Juan. (2022) Science with Neutrino Telescopes in Spain . Universe, 2 (8), 1 – 25. 10.3390/universe8020089_x000D_
Boock Chapters
·Ardid Ramírez, Miguel. (2013). Astroparticle Physics and Green Communication and Networking: A Symbiosis . Green Communication and Networking (92 – 101). Springer. 978-3-642-37976-5_x000D_
·Miquel Ardid. (2002). Área Científica . Recuperando nuestro Patrimonio II (295 – 312). Consell General del Consorci de Museus de la Comun. 84-482-3310-7_x000D_
·Miguel Ardid. (1998). Estudi Analític. Anàlisi de Pigments . La restauració de les portes del retaule major de la catedral de València (159 – 176). Genenralitat Valenciana. 84-482-1844-2_x000D_
Contracts with public institutions
·Ardid, M (I.P.) ; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio; Quiroz Rangel, Carlos A.; Llorens Alvarez, Carlos David; Espinosa Roselló, Víctor; Yepes-Ramírez, Harold. Telescopios de neutrinos para física fundamental y astronomía multi-mensajero en la UPV (PID2021-124591NB-C42). (01/09/22 – 31/08/25).Investigación competitiva proyectos. AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION._x000D_
·Miralles Ricós, Ramón (I.P.) ; Ardid, M; Gosálbez Castillo, Jorge; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio; Belda, E.J. ; León Fernández, Antonio … Gallego Albiach, Victor. Reducing the impact of underwater noise on the marine environment of the Port of Cartagena. (LIFE20 ENV/ES/000387). (01/09/21 – 31/12/25).Apoyo competitivo a la transferencia y difusión de tecnología. COMISION DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEA._x000D_
·Ardid, M (I.P.); Ardid, S. (I.P.) ; Herrero Debón, Alicia; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio; Ardid, S.; Amaro-Seoane, Pau … García-Méndez, Juan. Telescopios submarinos de neutrinos: nuevas perspectivas (ASFAE/2022/014). (01/01/21 – 29/06/25).Investigación competitiva proyectos. GENERALITAT VALENCIANA._x000D_
·Espinosa Roselló, Víctor (I.P.); Pérez Arjona, Isabel (I.P.) ; Ardid, M; Pérez Arjona, Isabel; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio; Puig Pons, Vicente; Miralles Ricós, Ramón. Monitorización acústica para una acuicultura de precisión: red de observación acústica en granjas marinas mediterráneas (ACUPREC) (THINKINAZUL/2021/009). (01/01/21 – 30/09/25).Investigación competitiva proyectos. GENERALITAT VALENCIANA._x000D_
·Espinosa Roselló, Víctor (I.P.) ; Ardid, M; Busquets Mataix, José Vicente; Gosálbez Castillo, Jorge; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio; Belda, E.J. … Muñoz-Benavent, Pau. Integrated, Innovative And Participatory Management For The Marine Natura 2000 Network In Spain (LIFE15 IPE ES 012). (01/01/21 – 31/12/24).Apoyo competitivo a la transferencia y difusión de tecnología. COMISION DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEA._x000D_
Contracts with private institutions
·Ardid, M (I.P.) ; Herrero Debón, Alicia; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio. DESARROLLO DE BALIZAS ACUSTICAS PARA KM3NeT Y SU CARACTERIZACION . (11/11/21 – 10/05/23).I+D contratada/conveniada. MEDITERRANEO SEÑALES MARITIMAS, S.L.._x000D_
·Ardid, M (I.P.) ; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio; Herrero Debón, Alicia. Diseño y Desarrollo de Balizas de Km3net y Caracterizacion Acustica . (12/12/18 – 11/03/21).Consultorías, estudios técnicos y asesoramiento. MEDITERRANEO SEÑALES MARITIMAS, S.L.._x000D_
·Espinosa Roselló, Víctor (I.P.) ; Ardid, M; Pérez Arjona, Isabel; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio. Diseño de Un Sistema de Posicionamiento Acustico de Un Gaseoducto Submarino en el Estrecho de Gibraltar . (17/05/17 – 17/02/18).Consultorías, estudios técnicos y asesoramiento. GAS NATURAL SDG, S.A.._x000D_
·Miralles Ricós, Ramón (I.P.) ; Ardid, M; Espinosa Roselló, Víctor; Pérez Arjona, Isabel; Bosch Roig, Ignacio; Lara Martínez, Guillermo-Fernan; Gosálbez Castillo, Jorge. Joint programme on noise (D11) for the implementation of the Second Cycle of the MSFD in the Mediteranean Sea . (01/01/17 – 31/12/18).Consultorías, estudios técnicos y asesoramiento. COMISION DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEA._x000D_
·Espinosa Roselló, Víctor (I.P.) ; Ardid, M; Estruch, V. D.; Puig Pons, Vicente; Pérez Arjona, Isabel; Soliveres, Ester … Llorens-Escrich, Susana. Adaptacion y Desarrollo de Sistemas Acusticos en Boyas Satelitarias para la Caracterizacion de Biomasa . (17/03/14 – 17/03/17).I+D contratada/conveniada. ZUNIBAL, S.L.._x000D_