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Julien Maheut

Academic Director of SEAMIC Bachelor

PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Organisation


  • Supply Chain Management
  • Production Planning & Control
  • Lean Manufacturing

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Dr Julien Maheut earned a PhD in Engineering and Industrial production at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV). He is currently a Senior Lecturer on Operations Management and Supply Chain Management at UPV.

His research is focused on designing and implementing mathematical programming models, algorithms, and discrete-event simulation models for Production & Logistics Systems, participating in several European Research Projects with companies such as Ford Motor Company, Schneider Electrics, Bimatec Soraluce, ValenciaPort Foundation, Johnson Control, Renault, Faurecia, etc.

He has taught innovation activities related to e-learning approaches for enhancing (under)graduate final-year projects and dissertations, assessment through rubrics, and designing new structures of undergraduate degrees.

Education and Training

• 2011-2013: PhD in Industrial Engineering – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2010-2011: Master’s degree in Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Valencia, Spain)
• 2008-2009: Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2006-2008: Master’s degree – Arts et Métiers ParisTech ENSAM (Paris, France)

Teaching activity

• 2015 – : Applied Operations Research
• 2015 – : Logistics & Supply Chain Processes
• 2015 – : Operations Management II

Profesional activity

• 2014-2015: Freelance Engineer
• 2009: Everis SLU
• 2003-2007: La Poste – Caen (France)

Awards & Honors

• Award for Educational Excellence from the Social Council of the UPV 2018
• Award for Educational Excellence from the Industrial Engineering School (ETSII) of the UPV 2017
• Gold Medal (equivalent award of excellence) ) of the Arts et Métiers ParisTech
• Prize for the best final project of Master’s Degree in the industrial engineering school, awarded by the UPV 16/12/2009
• Best paper award in the area of Supply Chain Management and Logistics (2018). 12th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (Girona-Spain)
• Best Paper Award in the Area of Operations Research, Modelling and Simulation (2017). ADINGOR – Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniera de Organización
• Young Researcher Award in the field of “Quantitative Methods” (2011). Adingor

Research Group

Dpto. De Organización De Empresas – Grupo de Investigación en Reingeniería, Organización, trabajo en Grupo y Logística Empresarial – ROGLE

Journal Publications

• (2023) Solving the multisite staff planning and scheduling problem in a sheltered employment centre that employs workers with intellectual disabilities by MILP: a Spanish case study. Central European Journal of Operations Research – . 10.1007/s10100-023-00864-2ç
• (2020) A Framework for Capacity and Operations Planning in Services Organizations Employing Workers with Intellectual Disabilities. Sustainability, 22 (12), 1 – 17. 10.3390/su12229713
• (2014) A decision support system for modelling and implementing the supply network configuration and operations scheduling problem in the machine tool industry. Production Planning and Control, 8 (25), 679 – 697
• (2012) A two-stage sequential planning scheme for integrated operations planning and scheduling system using MILP: the case of an engine assembler. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 2 (24), 171 – 209. 10.1007/s10696-011-9126-z

Boock Chapters

• (2023). Description of the Problem of Aggregated Workforce Management Planning in Sheltered Employment Centres. IoT and Data Science in Engineering Management (379 – 384). Springer. 978-3-031-27914-0
• (2022). RIPPLE EFFECT IN SUPPLY CHAINS: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW PROTOCOL. Business Meets Technology (119 – 130). Universitat Politècnica de València. 978-84-1396-028-9
• (2021). Review of Symmetry-Breaking Options on Mathematical Programming Models with Rolling Horizons Procedure. Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0. ICIEOM 2018. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. (71 – 77). Springer. 978-3-030-67708-4

Contracts with public institutions

• Joint European Degree Label In Engieneering – Toward a European Framework For Engineering Education (101114604). (01/04/23 – 31/03/24).Cooperación académica/educativa. COMISION DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEA.
• Hiperheuristico Lenitivo de la Variabilidad del Entorno Industrial en la Programacion de Produccion del Lote Economico. (GV/2017/008). (01/12/17 – 30/11/19).Investigación competitiva proyectos. GENERALITAT VALENCIANA.
• Resilient Multi-Plant Networks (NMP2-SL-2009-229333). (01/05/09 – 30/04/12).I+D Colaborativa competitiva. COMISION DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEA.

Contracts with private institutions

• Visualizacion de Configuraciones de Categorias en Modulos. (15/06/18 – 15/09/18).I+D contratada/conveniada. MERCADONA, S.A.
• Professionalization Of The Project Management Function. (20/07/17 – 20/02/19).I+D contratada/conveniada. FAURECIA INTERIOR SYSTEMS SALC ESPAÑA, S.L..
• Diseño e Implementacion de Herramientas para la Planificacion de Produccion y Operaciones en la Planta de Motores de Ford España (Nº PEDIDO 4500028499). (17/12/08 – 17/05/09).I+D contratada/conveniada. NTTDATA SPAIN, S.L..