Foto del Miembro

J. Alberto Conejero Casares

Vice-rector for Students and Entrepreneurship

PhD Full Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics


  • Applied Mathematics
  • Mathematical Modelling in Science and Technology
  • Data science

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J. Alberto Conejero is Professor of Applied Mathematics and Vice-rector of Students and Enterpreneurship. He holds a degree in Mathematics from the UV (1998) and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the UPV (2004), with the Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award. He also holds a Master in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics from UOC and UB (2020).

He currently teaches in the degrees of Data Science (ETSINF) and Engineering Physics (ETSIT), in addition to collaborating in several masters: MU Mathematical Research (DMA), MU Transmedia Communication (EPSG) and MU Visual Arts and Multimedia. In addition, he has two MOOCs in edX, awarded by Universia and Telefónica (2013) and has received the Teaching Excellence Award from the Social Council of the UPV (2014).

His current research activity covers various fields, combining data analysis with mathematical modeling, such as Biomedical Data Analysis, Machine Learning applications to Physics, Network Science and mathematical applications to Computer Science, Systems and Synthetic Biology and Communication Networks. He is the author of more than 120 research papers published in international research journals.

Ha has also held other positions at UPV, including Director of the Academic Performance and Student Curricular Assessment Area (2009-2013) and of the Deputy Secretary General’s Office (2013-2016) and Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics (2016-2023).

Education and Training

• 1999-2004: PhD in Applied Mathematics – Universitat Politècnica de València (València, Spain)
• 1994.1998: MSc/BSc in Mathematics – Universitat de València (València, Spain)
• 2018-2020: MSc in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)

Teaching activity

• 2018 – : Projects in Data Science
• 2013 – 2018: Discrete Mathematics
• 2009 – : Networks Science and Graph Theory

Profesional activity

Awards & Honors

2021. $500k Pandemic Response Challenge organized by the XPRIZE Foundation and sponsored by Cognizant.Co-leader of the winning VALENCIA IA4COVID team together with Nuria Oliver.

2014. Teaching Excellence Award from the Social Council of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

2013. I Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport Award – Telefónica Learning Services – Universia. Joint Special Mention with Cristina Jordán for the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Aplicacionesde la Teoría de Grafos a la vida real (Applications of Graph Theory to real life),

2013. Teaching Excellence Award of the ETS of Computer Engineering, 2014.

2006 Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

2018 Grand Prize Winner in the Undergraduate category. Best project award in the New Application track.Special awards for best collection of parts, best software tool, besthardware, best modeling and best wiki.

Research Group

Journal Publications

L. Goiriz, R. Ruiz, Ò. Garibo-I-Orts, J.A. Conejero, and G. Rodrigo. A variant-dependent molecular clockwith anomalous diffusion models SARS-CoV-2 evolution in humans. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 120(30)e2303578120 (2023).

M.E. Iglesias-Martínez J. Guerra-Carmenate, J.A. Antonino-Daviu, L. Dunai, C.A. Platero, J.A. Conejero,and P. Fernández de Córdoba. Automatic classification of field winding faults in syncrhonous motors basedon bicoherence image segmentation and higher order statistics of stray flux signals. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.59(4) 3945-3954 (2023).

S.B. Ivars, Y.V. Kartashov, P. Fernández de Córdoba, J.A. Conejero, Ll. Torner, and C. Milián. Photonicsnake states in two-dimensional frequency combs. Nat. Photon. (2023).

F. Larosa, S. Hoyas, J. García-Martínez, J.A. Conejero, F. Fuso-Nerini, and R. Vinuesa. Halting generativeAI advancements may slow down progress in climate research. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 497–499 (2023).

Boock Chapters

Contracts with public institutions

Martínez, A. (I.P.); Milián, C. (I.P.); Conejero, J.A.; Griol Barres, A; Sinusia-Lozano, M…. Mercadé-Morales, L.. Hacia Sensado y Procesado de Señal Todo Óptico Usando Optomecánica de Cavidades y Molecular: Desde Peines Optomecánicos a Espectroscopia Raman en Chips de Silicio (PID2021-124618NB-C21). (01/09/22 – 31/08/25). Agencia Estatal de Investigación (SPAIN).

Poza-Lujan, J.L. (I.P.); Conejero, J.A.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.L.; Lloret Romero, N. Responsible leadership – Developing people skills in project management education in European HEI’s (2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-00008594). (31/12/22 – 30/06/25). European Comission (UE).

Garcia-Gomez, J.M. (I.P.); Conejero, J.A.; Fernández de Córdoba, P.; Durá-Hernández, M.; Sáez Silvestre, C. … Asensio-Cuesta, S. Sistema de Ayuda a la Decision Validado Clinicamente Basado en Modelos de Inteligencia Artificial a Nivel de Pixel para Decidir Opciones Terapeuticas en Glioblastoma (PID2019-104978RB-I00). (01/06/20 – 31/05/23). Agencia Estatal de Investigación (SPAIN).

Conejero, J.A. (I.P.); Garcia-Gomez, J.M.; Poza-Lujan, J.L.; Conchado Peiró, A; Despujol Zabala, Ignacio; Turró Ribalta, C.; Carot Sierra, J.M. Data Literacy In Context (2019-1-DE01-KA203-005066). (01/09/19 – 31/10/22).Cooperación académica/educativa. European Comission (UE).

Contracts with private institutions

Conejero, J.A. (I.P.); Carrió-Pastor, M.L.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M; Garibo-i-Orts, Ó. ANDHI – ANomalous Diffusion of Harmful Information. (CPP2021-008994). (01/03/22 – 31/12/25).Agencia Estatal de Investigación (SPAIN).

Garcia-Gomez, J.M. (I.P.); Conejero, J.A.; Fernández de Córdoba, P.; Durá-Hernández, M.; Sáez Silvestre, C. … Asensio-Cuesta, S.. Planificación de Intervenciones Quirúrgicas de Precisión Guiados por Hábitats Identitarios de Tumores Gliales Habilitando Decisiones (Sinue) (INNEST/2022/87). (01/10/22 – 30/09/24). Agencia Valenciana de Innovación (SPAIN).