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Alberto J. Campillo Fernández

PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Thermodynamics


  • Thermodynamics
  • Physical chemistry Thermodynamics
  • Polymeric (bio)materials

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Alberto J. Campillo Fernández, Dr Eng Sci (2014), Associate Professor of the Applied Thermodynamics Department at the Technical University of Valencia (Universitat Politècnica de València, UPV) since 2011. Lectures regularly on Thermodynamics, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Science and Biomaterials at the UPV.

After obtaining the Industrial Engineering degree he worked at private companies as design and process engineer. As a PhD student he developed polymeric biomaterials for tisssue engineering applications at the Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. In 2007 he co-founded a spin-off company, where he developed several R&D projects related to biomaterials. He combined the administration of the company with the position as lecturer in the Applied Thermodynamics Department where he obtained a full-time contract in 2015.

His resarch interests are thermodynamics and biomaterials.

Education and Training

• 2014: Dr. Engng. Sci. (International Doctorate Mention) – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2001: MSc/ME in Industrial Engineering – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)

Teaching activity

• 2012 – 2023: Thermodynamics
• 2011 – 2023: Physical chemistry Thermodynamics
• 2016 – 2023: Biomaterials

Profesional activity

• 2000 – 2001: Plásticos Mondragón
• 2001 – 2003: Iram – Stadco
• 2003 – 2007: Ph.D. Student
• 2007 – 2013: Metis Biomaterials
• 2011 – 2019: Assistant professor
• 2019 : Associate Professor (Titular Universidad)

Awards & Honors

• Ducan Dowson Prize: awarded to the author of the best paper of Part H of the Proceedings of IMechE (2022). Institution of Mechanical Engineers
• Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award (2016). Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Research Group

Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering – CBIT

Journal Publications

• Fuster-Gómez, Sandra; Castilla Cortázar, María Isabel Cecilia; Vidaurre, Ana; Campillo Fernandez, Alberto Jose. (2023) Biomimetic Growth of Hydroxyapatite in Hybrid Polycaprolactone/Graphene Oxide Ultra-Porous Scaffolds . ACS Omega (8)7904 – 7912. 10.1021/acsomega.2c07656
• Tobella, Javier ; Pons-Beltrán, Vicente; Santonja, Alberto ; Sánchez-Diaz, Carlos; Campillo Fernandez, Alberto Jose; Vidaurre, Ana. (2020) Analysis of the ‘Endoworm’ prototype’s ability to grip the bowel in in vitro and ex vivo models . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 5 (234), 1 – 10. 10.1177/0954411920901414
• Martínez-Ramón, V.; Castilla Cortázar, María Isabel Cecilia; Vidaurre, Ana; Campillo Fernandez, Alberto Jose. (2020) Production and enzymatic degradation of poly (epsilon-caprolactone)/graphene oxide composites . Materials Express, 6 (1), 866 – 876. 10.1166/mex.2020.1702
• Campillo Fernandez, Alberto Jose; González-Reed, Pablo; Vidaurre, Ana; Castilla Cortázar, María Isabel Cecilia. (2020) Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/Graphene oxide composite systems: a comparative study on hydrolytic degradation at extreme pH values . Materials Express, 6 (1), 892 – 902. 10.1166/mex.2020.1728
• Castilla Cortázar, María Isabel Cecilia; Vidaurre, Ana; Marí, B.; Campillo Fernandez, Alberto Jose. (2019) Morphology, Crystallinity, and Molecular Weight of Poly(E-caprolactone)/Graphene Oxide Hybrids . Polymers, 7 (11), 1 – 19. 10.3390/polym11071099

Boock Chapters

Contracts with public institutions

• Campillo Fernandez, Alberto Jose (I.P.); Martín Cabezuelo, Rubén; Tort Ausina, Isabel; Vidaurre Garayo, Ana Jesús; Vilariño Feltrer, Guillermo. EndoFIS, nuevo producto sanitario para el tratamiento endoscópico de las complicaciones posquirúrgicas de la anastomosis (PI2023-06). (01/10/23 – 30/09/25). Investigación competitiva proyectos. PROYECTOS COORDINADOS UPV – LA FE 2023.

• Campillo Fernandez, Alberto Jose (I.P.) ; Torregrosa Cabanilles, Constantino; Castilla Cortázar, María Isabel Cecilia. MATERIALES HlBRIDOS POLlMERO-GRAFENOS: SINTESlS Y CARACTERIZACION (GV/2016/067). (01/01/16 – 31/12/16).Investigación competitiva proyectos. GENERALITAT VALENCIANA.

Contracts with private institutions