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The Bachelor

SEAMIC is the acronym for “Systems Engineering And Management for Innovation Challenges.” An important acronym for the Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • “SEA” refers to the privileged environment (the sea) of the UPV.
  • “MIC” refers to the objective of the degree (“micro”, an instrument that collects signals and transforms them).

To train highly competent general engineers capable of addressing the technological and business challenges of the future.

SEAMIC’s mission is to provide high-quality online education that combines strong technical knowledge with transversal competencies essential for innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship.

We promote a proactive focus on continuous learning and multidisciplinary collaboration, preparing our graduates to lead in a world of rapid change and complexity.

To be recognized worldwide as a leading program in the hybrid training of general engineers who make a difference in solving the technological and business challenges of the 21st century.

We seek to inspire academic excellence and critical thinking, promoting disruptive innovation and sustainability.

Our vision is to empower our graduates to lead the creation of transformative solutions in a global environment, contributing to the advancement of technology and the sustainable development of society.

The degree itself has been designed based on the needs of the most innovative companies in technology and considering the best practices of the Top universities worldwide.

The degree is designed for national and international students who have completed high school or equivalent or have already begun university studies and want to change careers.

To be admitted to the degree, students will undergo an exclusive and unique admission process that will be carried out online, where the students’ aptitudes, attitudes, values and motivations are assessed.

The degree has a modular structure with university extension diplomas that are, in turn, structured into micro-credentials. If you want to train in a specific training, contact us.

We promote an immersive educational approach, where:

  • You will learn the theory associated with technical concepts online asynchronously.
  • You will work with your promotion colleagues in a collaborative and synchronous manner each week to keep pace.
  • You will complement your training with practical experiences, enabling you to face real innovation challenges.
  • You will decide on your study plan to grow and develop according to your expectations.

SEAMIC is an “own degree” taught by the UPV in accordance with Royal Decree 822/2021 , of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality.

We are actively working to ensure that the degree has European ( EURACE, EUROINF, etc.) and American (ABET) accreditations that our students will need.

Until the degree itself achieves accreditation by one of the European or International quality agencies, recognition will depend on the homologation process in your country of origin.

Admission to the Bachelor's degree

If you are not a european citizen, you can complete the process alone or ask for support from our preferred academic partners.

Regardless of how you will carry out the admission and registration process, you will need to:

  • Have a passport, Spanish DNI or NIE to be able to sign up for the admission process.
  • Have the homologation of your academic degree by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training or the Flyer certifying that you have initiated said homologation process.

You cannot start the second year of the degree if you have not finalized the homologation process.

SEAMIC collaborates with specialized academies. You will find information about them on both the home and admission pages.

Depending on the website’s language, we have specialized academies that can give you detailed information about the degree, offer you personalized attention, help you prepare for admission tests, and administrative management.

Obviously, if an academy is not on our website, contact us and we will inform you.

The academic committee of the bachelor’s degree and the clerks involved in the degree collect your documentation and will confirm that you can take the admission tests for the degree.

In the case of admission tests, expert professors and UPV staff design the tests each year and will evaluate the exams.

You will receive information by email at each stage of the process.

We will accompany you throughout the entire process and you will receive follow-up emails if we see that you are not progressing.

It is not a real-time interview, it is an original test aligned with the current needs of personal branding.

It consists of an exercise where the candidate will demonstrate their suitability through a recording of 10 minutes maximum in which they will present their academic profile, interest, motivation and expectations about this innovative degree.

The academic director of the degree, a linguistics professor and our panel of innovation experts will be in charge of evaluating each of the profiles.

It is essential to have passed Baccalaureate or equivalent and to have begun the process of homologation of the degree if you are an international student. On the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training page, there is the table of equivalences, as well as access to the homologation process that is permanently open.

If you have a degree higher than a Bachelor’s degree, you can also access the degree.

On the Spanish Ministry of Education page, you have all the information to validate your title.

If you are over 25 years old you will take specific tests.

There is the possibility of validating part of the study plan based on professional experience up to a maximum established by current regulations. Contact us and we will explain the process to you.

A B2 level of English is essential in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

This requirement is independent of the English test in the admission process.
By payment by card or transfer.
You can opt for:
  • a single annual payment
  • 1 initial payment of €1000 the first month and 9 monthly payments for the remainder.
You will see that it is very easy to make the payment thanks to the great experience of the UPV with a large international student body. In any case, the UPV Permanent Training Center has a specific help page for the students.

You can consult the syllabus and recommended courses on the website to facilitate studying for the admission tests.

Each admission test has its own syllabus where you will find all the relevant information.

There is no minimum grade to access the degree, but there are a limited number of seats.

It is required to take all tests regardless of the grade.

If you have taken the Spanish selective in the scientific branch or have the homologation, the equivalent tests will be validated (mathematics, physics and transcript grade).

The places will be filled based on the ranking of the students’ grades at the end of the tests.

  • In October, registration for admission tests begins and closes during January.
  • In November, the specific tests (Mathematics, Physics and English) begin.
  • In December, interviews and psychometric tests will begin.
  • In January, the lists of admitted and candidates on the Waiting List will begin to be published.
  • In February, the list of accepted applications will be published.
Pre-acceptance means that you are eligible to obtain your seat.

You have a period of 1 week to make the payment. If you do not do so, it will be understood that you reject the place.

By making the payment directly on the platform or through our preferred academic collaborator.

They are public and are found on our website.

In the case of going through a preferred academic collaborator, they will inform you of their conditions.

Academic doubts

The “Basic Sciences for Engineering” modules as well as the technological modules are delivered entirely online with:

  • Asynchronous courses so you can study at your own pace.
  • Synchronous lessons to interact with your classmates and teachers.

The “Management for the Industry of the Future” module will be online but will include a few events:

  • In-person sessions, such as seminars, where your presence is desired but not required.
  • Optional face-to-face sessions, such as company visits

All others may be taken online or through in-person activities on campus, in companies, or in any activity previously approved by the academic committee.

Presence is essential. The UPV has a unique innovation eco-system in Europe.

We consider that your presence on campus is necessary because a large part of the activities associated with the innovation challenges will involve:

  • Seminars with prominent professionals that will take place at the UPV (although they can be seen online if you can’t be there)
  • Events, Competitions/Hackathons, and Activities where your presence is essential.


Internships in companies also require the presence of the students in the company.

Being present does not mean always being on campus, but in a work environment.

Mandatory from the second year, but only for times that require your presence.

If you wish to attend during your first year, you will be part of the university community and benefit from all its facilities and benefits. But you don’t have to live in Valencia all year round.

This information with the detailed schedule will always be communicated months in advance.

During the bachelor’s degree design, we wanted to design the most flexible degree in technology.

Students will be able to decide their itinerary but within the necessary restrictions. Each subject will have a set of prerequisites (for example, to take Mathematics II, it will be necessary to have taken Mathematics I) and in addition, it is required for the student to reach certain levels of competence at the end of their degree, and this will involve taking subjects advanced.

Some modules are mandatory to obtain the degree. For example, the Basic Science module is made up of subjects and compulsory subjects. It is a trunk formation.


Other modules are compulsory but the subjects and/or subjects are optional. There are different itineraries that will achieve similar skills but with different content.

Finally, there are optional modules such as technological modules. This implies that you will have to opt for a complete branch with mandatory foundation subjects and optional specialization subjects.

We are now working with universities within the ENHANCE alliance to bring these agreements to fruition.
Nobody forces you to pass a minimum number of credits.

In order for you to keep up with your classmates, you will have to enroll in 60 credits a year, this is the only requirement.

To monitor the subjects, the UPV’s own educational platform, PoliformaT, will be used, but it will also have Microsoft Teams and all the other tools we use at the UPV.

Most of the subjects that are 5 ECTS are developed in 4 weeks and will be evaluated through continuous assessment.

Each subject will involve 3 moments of asynchronous activity. Also, if you do not pass the continuous evaluation, each quarter will have a blocked week to take recovery exams.

You go at your own pace, but you will have 3 moments of contact with classmates and teachers so that you follow the appropriate rhythm.

You can check the schedules for each subject in its syllabus.
In synchronous online classes, the teacher’s main room will always be recorded, but group activities with students will not be recorded.

These recordings can only be seen by students enrolled in the subject.

Yes, you will have to request them.

You will also have forums where your classmates and teachers can resolve your doubts and exchange opinions.

English. Some videos may be available in other languages, but English will be the language of the entire grade.

Training in companies

In other countries, it is called apprenticeship.

It is a training activity developed dually at the university and the collaborating entity (company or administration). This is a paid work activity, through a contract for university training, in the terms established in article 11.3 of the consolidated text of the Law of the Workers’ Statute, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, and in its implementing regulations, as well as in the rest of the applicable labor regulations.

The requirements are similar to the existing dual training in Spain at the university. Framework agreements will be established with Companies and the companies will select the students to be able to work in the company and train according to the study plan of the company.

The university

Valencia and its university area have an excellent transport network. Throughout the campus you will find bus and tram stops with the possibility of transferring to the metro line. We also have an excellent bike lane network to access the campus with your own bike or with Valenbisi.
The UPV does not have rooms for students. Consult this page to discover the existing alternatives.

Financing and fees

The UPV does not have, at the moment, agreements with banking entities.

Registration payment has two possible modalities:

  1. Tuition is paid in a single annual receipt.
  2. Tuition is paid quarter by quarter.

The UPV enrolls students in the subjects only when the corresponding fees have been paid.