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David Llopis Castelló

PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Transport Infrastructure and Engineering


  • Road Safety
  • Pavement engineering
  • Smart roads

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David Llopis is an Associate Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). He finished his Ph.D. in March 2018, which was focused on the development of a methodology for the design and improvement of two-lane rural roads from road safety analysis through consistency models. He have co-authored over 70 research publications and have participated in 13 research projects related to Road Safety, Road Geometric Design, Traffic Engineering, Drivers’ Behavior, Pavement Maintenance, Recycle Asphalt Mixtures, and Connected and Automated Vehicles. In addition, David Llopis carried out two short-term research stays at Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy) and at North Carolina State University (USA). Recently, he have been awarded with diverse important awards: “AIMSUN Award for Young Researchers” in 2018, “V Sandro Rocci Award for Young Professionals” given by the Spanish National Committee of the World Road Association in 2018, “Abertis Award – Thesis Dissertation” and “Abertis Award – Road Safety” in 2019, and “VIII International Award for Innovation in Roads Juan Antonio Fernández del Campo” in 2020. David Llopis have taught at diverse universities from the US, Italy, China, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt.

Education and Training

• 2018: PhD in Transportation Infrastructures and Territory – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2014: MSc in High School Teacher – Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2012: MSc in Transportation, Planning and Urban Development – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2012: BSc in Civil Engineering – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)

Teaching activity

• 2019 – : Road Safety
• 2019 – : Highway Engineering
• 2020 – : Autonomous and Connected Vehicles

Profesional activity

Awards & Honors

• Quality Mention to Teaching Article: “Use of autonomous and connected vehicles” (2021)
• Quality Mention to Teaching article: “Time management” (2020)
• International Road Innovation Award “Juan Antonio Fernández del Campo” by the Spanish Road Association Foundation (2020)
• Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award UPV (2019)
• Abertis Research Award 2018 on Transport Infrastructure Management and Road Safety – Road Safety (2019)
• Abertis Research Award 2018 on Transport Infrastructure Management and Road Safety – Doctoral Thesis (2019)
• AIMSUN Young Researcher Award – CIT by the Transportation Engineering Forum (2018)
• V Sandro Rocci Award for Young Professionals by the Spanish Technical Road Association (2018)
• First Prize – II Campus FIT to the Young Researcher by the Transportation Engineering Forum (2017)

Research Group

Transport and Territory Research Institute

Journal Publications

·López-Molina, Martin; Llopis-Castelló, David; Pérez Zuriaga, Ana María; Alonso-Troyano, Carlos; García García, Alfredo. (2023) Skid Resistance Analysis of Urban Bike Lane Pavements for Safe Micromobility . Sustainability, 1 (15), 1 – 16. 10.3390/su15010698
·García-Segura, Tatiana; Montalbán-Domingo, Laura; Llopis-Castelló, David; Sanz-Benlloch, Amalia; Pellicer, Eugenio. (2023) Integration of deep learning techniques and sustainability-based concepts into an urban pavement management system . Expert Systems with Applications (231) – . 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120851
·Moll Montaner, Sara; López-Maldonado, Griselda; Llopis-Castelló, David; Dols Ruiz, Juan Francisco; García García, Alfredo. (2023) Drivers’ behaviour when overtaking cyclists on rural roads: Driving simulator validation using naturalistic data . Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology and Behaviour – . 10.1016/j.trf.2023.05.011
·García-Segura, Tatiana; Montalbán-Domingo, Laura; Llopis-Castelló, David; José Ramón López Marco; Sánchez-Robles Bello, Juan; Paredes Palacios, Roberto. (2023) Gestión sostenible del mantenimiento de pavimentos urbanos . Revista de Obras Públicas (Online), 3641, 70 – 75.
·García García, Alfredo; Camacho-Torregrosa, Francisco Javier; Llopis-Castelló, David. (2023) Localizaciones de Riesgo Mínimo para Vehículos Automatizados y Conectados . Rutas (194)19 – 27.

Boock Chapters

·García García, Alfredo; Camacho-Torregrosa, Francisco Javier; Llopis-Castelló, David. (2023). Infrastructure impact . Decision-making techniques for autonomous vehicles (263 – 280). Elsevier. 978-0-323-98339-6_x000D_

Contracts with public institutions

·Ruiz Sánchez, Tomás (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; Arroyo-López, María Rosa; Doménech-Cabrero, Rubén. Urban And Transportation Regeneration For Reducing Automobile Dependency In Mena (618149-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-). (22/03/23 – 14/11/23).Cooperación académica/educativa. COMISION DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEA._x000D_
·López-Maldonado, Griselda (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; Camacho-Torregrosa, Francisco Javier; Moll Montaner, Sara; Ramos-Meléndez, Victor Manuel; Dols Ruiz, Juan Francisco. Evaluación de la Operatividad de los Vehículos Automatizados Ante las Condiciones de la Infraestructura Física de Carreteras y la Percepcion Humana (PID2021-127183OA-I00). (01/09/22 – 31/08/24).Investigación competitiva proyectos. AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION._x000D_
·Pérez Zuriaga, Ana María (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; García García, Alfredo; Camacho-Torregrosa, Francisco Javier; López-Maldonado, Griselda. Predictive Approaches For Safer Urban Environments (101076963). (01/11/22 – 31/07/26).I+D Colaborativa competitiva. COMISION DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEA._x000D_
·Pellicer, Eugenio (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; Sanz-Benlloch, Amalia; González-Marco, Carlos; Molinero-Pérez, Noelia; Montalbán-Domingo, Laura; García-Segura, Tatiana. Monitorización y Gestión del Mantenimiento Predictivo de Vías Interurbanas Mediante Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial (INNEST/2021/6). (01/06/21 – 30/09/23).I+D Colaborativa competitiva. AGENCIA VALENCIANA DE LA INNOVACION._x000D_
·García García, Alfredo (I.P.); Pérez Zuriaga, Ana María (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; Pérez Zuriaga, Ana María; Camacho-Torregrosa, Francisco Javier; López-Maldonado, Griselda … Just-Martínez, Víctor. Evaluacion de la Seguridad Vial de la Micromovilidad (PID2019-111744RB-I00). (01/06/20 – 29/02/24).Investigación competitiva proyectos. AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACION._x000D_

Contracts with private institutions

·García García, Alfredo (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; C. Alonso-Troyano. Estudio y Diseño de Mezcla Bituminosa Autorreparable para Capa de Rodadura . (17/05/23 – 16/11/23).I+D contratada/conveniada. TORRESCAMARA Y CIA. DE OBRAS, S.A.._x000D_
·García García, Alfredo (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; Monserrat del Río, Jose Francisco; Camacho-Torregrosa, Francisco Javier. Smart Roads Cassification . (25/02/21 – 25/08/21).I+D contratada/conveniada. ASSOCIATION MONDIALE DE LA ROUTE._x000D_
·Pellicer, Eugenio (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; Sanz-Benlloch, Amalia; Paredes Palacios, Roberto; García-Segura, Tatiana; Montalbán-Domingo, Laura. Prueba Piloto del Sistema Integral para el Mantenimiento Eficiente de Pavimentos Urbanos en el Distrito de L¿Eixample de la Ciudad de Valencia . (08/01/21 – 08/08/21).Consultorías, estudios técnicos y asesoramiento. CPS INFRAESTRUCTURAS MOVILIDAD Y MEDIO AMBIENTE SL; PAVASAL EMPRESA CONSTRUCTORA, S.A.._x000D_
·García García, Alfredo (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; Pérez Zuriaga, Ana María; Hidalgo Signes, Carlos; C. Alonso-Troyano; López-Maldonado, Griselda. Estudio de Pavimentos Recilclados para Carriles Bici Mediante el Aprovechamiento de Residuos Ceramicos y Material de Recuperado de Fresado . (09/08/21 – 08/10/23).I+D contratada/conveniada. BECSA, S.A.._x000D_
·García García, Alfredo (I.P.) ; Llopis-Castelló, David; Dols Ruiz, Juan Francisco; Pérez Zuriaga, Ana María; Campoy Ungria, Jose Manuel; Camacho-Torregrosa, Francisco Javier … López-Maldonado, Griselda. Colaboracion Proyecto Road-Bim: Diseño y Desarrollo de Tecnologias Bim para Validacion y Gestion de Proyectos Constructivos de Carreteras, Su Explotacion y la Gestion de la Seguridad de Dichas Infraestructuras Viarias . (01/01/17 – 01/04/19).I+D contratada/conveniada. APLITOP, S.L.._x000D_