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Beatriz García Ortega

PhD Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Organisation


  • CSR
  • Circular economy
  • Ethic

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Dr. Beatriz Garcia-Ortega earned a Ph.D. in Business and Administration. She is currently a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Business Organisation at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She has extensive experience in public and private universities and business schools. All of them with positively evaluated teaching. She is an expert in university pedagogy. The line of research developed focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility, the involvement of companies in the communities where they operate and towards Sustainability and Circular Economy, the role of senior management, its ethical aspects, and its influence in the field of digitization. Among other contributions of her research, she highlights the development of an analysis methodology on the moral reasoning of company managers and its application to analyze its evolution and possible factors of influence, the investigation of the role of senior management in the process of digitization and innovation with its benefits and barriers, and the development of a model to analyze the strategic philanthropy patterns of companies. And finally she has more than 20 years of experience in the management and administration of companies in the industrial sector. Knowledge of all departments and human resources management, with a global vision of the company, internal and external training and quality assurance. Visiting researcher in the Department of Fashion, Marketing, Tourism and Events of School for Business and Society of Glasgow Caledonian University, with a duration of 6 months and during the period from 01 August 2022 to 31 January 2023.

Education and Training

• 2012-2017: PhD in Business Management Administration – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2016: Master´s degree in Toxicology and Risk Assessment – Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2010-2012: Master in Business Management, Products and Services – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 2005-2010: Bachelor in Industrial Engineering, specialty Industrial Chemistry – Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain)
• 1995-2000: Honours Bachelor Degree in Chemistry – Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain)

Teaching activity

• 2021 – : Organisational behaviour and change management
• 2019 – : Enterprise Information Systems
• 2018 – : Competitiveness and Innovation in Business

Profesional activity

• 2001-2021: Pharmaceutical company

Awards & Honors

·García-Ortega, Beatriz. Best paper INNODOCT 9th International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies 2021.
·Garcia-Ortega, Beatriz. Premio Docencia en Red 2021-22 UPV a la Calidad de Curso MOOC Políticas públicas y rendición de cuentas 2021.

Research Group

Laboratorio de Eco-innovación, Economía Circular y Simbiosis Industrial

Journal Publications

·Garcia-Ortega, Beatriz; Galán-Cubillo, Javier; Marin-Garcia, Juan A. . (2023) The part-time assistant professor in the Spanish university from an autoethnographic approach . Working Papers on Operations Management (WPOM), 1 (14), 62 – 75. 10.4995/wpom.18031_x000D_
·Galán-Cubillo, Javier; Garcia-Ortega, Beatriz; de-Miguel-Molina, Blanca. (2023) Assessing the strategic levers in the discourse of best-performing CEOs: a three-dimensional model . Corporate Communications: An International Journal – . 10.1108/CCIJ-07-2022-0081_x000D_
·Garcia-Ortega, Beatriz; Galán-Cubillo, Javier; F. Javier Llorens-Montes; de-Miguel-Molina, Blanca. (2023) Sufficient consumption as a missing link toward sustainability: The case of fast fashion . Journal of Cleaner Production (399)136678 – 136688. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136678_x000D_
·García-Ortega, Beatriz; Galán-Cubillo, Javier; de-Miguel-Molina, Blanca. (2022) CSR and CEO’s Moral Reasoning in the Automotive Industry in the Era of COVID-19 . SAGE Open, 2 (12), 1 – 16. 10.1177/21582440221097377_x000D_
·Jordá Rodríguez, Aurora; Garcia-Ortega, Beatriz. (2022) Las empresas de moda en España y los ODS. Cómo perciben los jóvenes su comunicación . TECHNO REVIEW International Technology, Science and Society Review / Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad, 4 (12), 1 – 15. 10.37467/revtechno.v11.4480_x000D_

Boock Chapters

·Castello-Sirvent, Fernando; García-Ortega, Beatriz; Jordá Rodríguez, Aurora. (2022). UNIVERSIDAD Y NUEVA NORMALIDAD POST-COVID: UN ANÁLISIS DE LOS ESTILOS DE APRENDIZAJE . ENTORNOS VIRTUALES PARA LA EDUCACIÓN EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: PERSPECTIVAS METODOLÓGICAS (1228 – 1250). Editorial Dykinson, S.L.. 978-84-1377-640-8_x000D_
·García-Ortega, Beatriz; Galán-Cubillo, Javier; de-Miguel-Molina, Blanca. (2020). How Spanish companies react in difficult times: a critic vIew . Business Meets Technology 2 (119 – 122). Shaker Verlag. 978-3-8440-7694-3_x000D_
·García-Ortega, Beatriz; Galán-Cubillo, Javier; de-Miguel-Molina, Blanca. (2020). Automotive industry: sustainability vs obsolesce . Business Meets Technology 2 (80 – 83). Shaker Verlag. 978-3-8440-7694-3_x000D_

Contracts with public institutions

·Catalá-Pérez, Daniel (I.P.) ; Garcia-Ortega, Beatriz; de-Miguel-Molina, María; Carrascosa López, Conrado; Peiró Signes, Angel; de-Miguel-Molina, Blanca; Segarra-Oña, Marival. Evaluación participativa de servicios públicos digitales en el marco del Gobierno Abierto: la técnica del Cliente Misterioso aplicada al sector público (PAID-06-22). (01/01/23 – 30/06/24).Investigación competitiva proyectos. UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA._x000D_
·Marin-Garcia, Juan A. (I.P.) ; Garcia-Ortega, Beatriz; Santandreu Mascarell, Cristina; Fernández-Diego, Marta; Pérez Peñalver, María José; Atarés Huerta, Lorena María … Aznar-Mas, Lourdes E.. Supporting Innovation Competence Development In Online Education (2021-1-FI01-KA220-HED-00023343). (01/03/22 – 16/12/23).Cooperación académica/educativa. COMISION DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEA._x000D_

Contracts with private institutions